About me
Welcome to my website! I'm Yanis (he/him) and I mostly work on Ocarina of Time related projects. I'm a contributor of oot-gc, oot-vc, Fast64 and HackerOoT. I also contribute sometimes in the decompilation project.
Here you will find pages explaining things about Zelda: Ocarina of Time and the related projects I work on, basically I want to dump my knowledge of this game here. Reminder: questions are welcome! If you or someone else have issues or questions about something I work on feel free to contact me on discord so we can talk about it. You can ping me in a server too (@yanisdeux), asking is a big part of how you learn.
Now, let's talk about my life! I'm french, still in my twenties and I don't have a job currently. I learned C++ and Python at school, we also looked at web languages (HTML, CSS, PHP and SQL) but not for long so basically I'm starting from nothing (almost). We learned how to solder and desolder too but I'm still very bad at it, I'd love to be good though.
I started to be really interested in OoT mid-2018 as I began to watch Twitch streamers, I quickly stepped into romhacking, I used to do binary hacking. It was really cool back then but now I prefer to use decomp for this as it makes the whole process much easier. I made one mod called "Triforce is missing", a small puzzle based on the "LACS is missing" series.
Romhacking/modding isn't the only activity I have on this game, I also speedrun it. Currently I have an intermediate level, my biggest issue being my motivation to do runs. For now I'm taking a break but I'll try to come back to it someday (probably).
Currently this website is a work in progress, the style is basic but I'll try to improve that later. Contributions are welcome of course, I'm not really a web expert as you can see.
My social links are at the bottom of each page of the website, feel free to follow me if you enjoy what I am doing.